.. _install_sandboxes_load_reporting_service: 负载报告服务 (LRS) ================================= 这个简单的例子展示了负载报告服务 (LRS) 的特性以及如何使用它。 假设下游集群 A 和上游集群 B 以及上游集群 C 进行交互。当我们打开了集群 A 的负载报告功能,LRS 服务器即会向集群 A 发送 LoadStatsResponse 并且向集群 B 和 集群 C 发送 LoadStatsResponse.Clusters。 接着,LRS 服务器随后就将收到来自集群 A、集群 B 和集群 C 的 LoadStatsRequests (包括所有请求,成功请求等)。 在这个例子中,所有的入向请求都被 Envoy 路由到一个简单的 golang web server,我们称之为 http_server。 我们为这个 http_server 初始化了两个容器实例,这两个实例会随机地向对方发送请求。并配置 Envoy 建立到 LRS 服务器的连接。 LRS 服务器通过发送 LoadStatsResponse 来使能状态统计。所有发向 http_server 的成功请求会被计数并且显示在 LRS 服务器的log中。 运行沙盒 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup.rst 步骤 3: 构建沙盒 ************************* 终端 1 :: $ pwd envoy/examples/load_reporting_service $ docker-compose pull $ docker-compose up --scale http_service=2 终端 2 :: $ pwd envoy/examples/load_reporting_service $ docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- load-reporting-service_http_service_1 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/ ... Up 10000/tcp,>80/tcp,>8081/tcp load-reporting-service_http_service_2 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/ ... Up 10000/tcp,>80/tcp,>8081/tcp load-reporting-service_lrs_server_1 go run main.go Up>18000/tcp 步骤 4: 开始发送 HTTP 请求流 ********************************************* 终端 2 :: $ pwd envoy/examples/load_reporting_service $ bash send_requests.sh 上面的脚本(``send_requests.sh``)会随机地向每个 Envoy 发送请求,随后这些请求会被转发到后端服务。 步骤 5: 查看 Envoy 统计数据 ********************************************** 你会看到如下结果 终端 1 :: ............................ lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:08:20 LRS Server is up and running on :18000 lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:08:23 Adding new cluster to cache `http_service` with node `0022a319e1e2` lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:08:24 Adding new node `2417806c9d9a` to existing cluster `http_service` lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:08:25 Creating LRS response for cluster http_service, node 2417806c9d9a with frequency 2 secs lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:08:25 Creating LRS response for cluster http_service, node 0022a319e1e2 with frequency 2 secs http_service_2 | - - [12/Feb/2020 17:09:06] "GET /service HTTP/1.1" 200 - http_service_1 | - - [12/Feb/2020 17:09:06] "GET /service HTTP/1.1" 200 - ............................ lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:09:07 Got stats from cluster `http_service` node `0022a319e1e2` - cluster_name:"local_service" upstream_locality_stats: total_successful_requests:21 total_issued_requests:21 > load_report_interval: lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:09:07 Got stats from cluster `http_service` node `2417806c9d9a` - cluster_name:"local_service" upstream_locality_stats: total_successful_requests:17 total_issued_requests:17 > load_report_interval: http_service_2 | - - [12/Feb/2020 17:09:07] "GET /service HTTP/1.1" 200 - http_service_1 | - - [12/Feb/2020 17:09:07] "GET /service HTTP/1.1" 200 - ............................ lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:09:09 Got stats from cluster `http_service` node `0022a319e1e2` - cluster_name:"local_service" upstream_locality_stats: total_successful_requests:3 total_issued_requests:3 > load_report_interval: lrs_server_1 | 2020/02/12 17:09:09 Got stats from cluster `http_service` node `2417806c9d9a` - cluster_name:"local_service" upstream_locality_stats: total_successful_requests:9 total_issued_requests:9 > load_report_interval: